Wednesday , 22 January 2025
عدم پذیرش پناهجو در 12 ایالت آلمان
عدم پذیرش پناهجو در 12 ایالت آلمان

Refusal to accept asylum seekers in 12 German states due to lack of accommodation

Refusal to accept asylum seekers in 12 German states due to lack of accommodation

Currently, 12 out of 16 German states do not have the capacity to accept new asylum seekers. These states have suspended Shaner’s adoption program for now. The German Ministry of the Interior has said that the reason for this is the arrival of a large number of asylum seekers from Ukraine and other countries in Germany.

It has also been said that the increase in the number of asylum seekers can also be seen on the Balkan route. A spokesman for Germany’s interior ministry said: “Due to the high number of new asylum seekers, twelve states have already stopped the ‘primary distribution system’.” He went on to say that there have been temporary bans on accepting asylum seekers by states and this is “not unusual”. Also, according to the spokesman of the German Ministry of the Interior, the distribution of newly arrived asylum seekers is still possible, because the large German states are still accepting new asylum seekers and accepting new arrivals. He further explained that the federal government is helping the states by providing 318 state properties and considering more support measures.

Almost two weeks ago, the German Interior Ministry announced that since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, about 970,000 refugees from Ukraine have been registered in Germany. At the same time, it has been mentioned that an unknown number of Ukrainian asylum seekers have traveled from Germany to their country or other countries.

Refusal to accept asylum seekers in most European countries

The problem of lack of accommodation for asylum seekers is not limited to Germany. Most of the Western European countries are currently experiencing a crisis of lack of accommodation for refugees. Over the past few days, we have informed in an article about the lack of accommodation for asylum seekers in Belgium. The refugee crisis has reached its peak since 2015, and Russia’s military attack on Ukraine last year added to the cause. According to the announced statistics, more than 10 million Ukrainians have been displaced since the beginning of the war.

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