Friday , 21 February 2025
بازداشت میلاد سنایی و لیلی کرمی توسط اداره اطلاعات
بازداشت میلاد سنایی و لیلی کرمی توسط اداره اطلاعات

Detention of Milad Senai and Lili Kerami by the Intelligence Department

Detention of Milad Senai and Lili Kerami by the Intelligence Department

Ariyai Community News Agency – Today, Thursday, November 5, 1401, security agents in the cities of Sari and Shiraz, Milad Sanai and Lili Karmi, arrested two Baha’i citizens.

According to the news agency of the Aryan community, on Tuesday, November 3, 1401, Sana’i era, born: 1376, a photographer and videographer, a Baha’i citizen, a resident of Sari, the capital of Mazandaran province, was arrested by the forces of the Intelligence Department of this city and taken to an unknown place.

An informed source said: “Milad Sanai was arrested outside his house and then the agents took this Baha’i citizen to his residence and after searching the house and confiscating personal belongings such as laptop, mobile phone, religious books They arrested Bahai from that place. The exact reason for the arrest has not been announced yet, but the person we introduced as our lawyer and the follow-ups that have been carried out have been announced as the reason for the arrest was activity in the cyber space regarding the protests.

But in another news, on Wednesday, November 4, 1401, Lili Karmi, a Baha’i citizen, resident of the city of Shiraz, the capital of Fars province, was arrested at her residence following the raid by the agents of the intelligence department of this city, and was taken to the detention center No. 100 of this security organization for questioning. .

A person close to Lili Kerami’s family stated: “At around 6:00 am, 2 vehicles including 6 agents of the intelligence department, with 2 female agents with them, after going to Lili Kerami’s house and submitting a court order, first searched that place. After confiscating the mobile phone, laptop and some personal belongings, they finally arrested Lily Karmi and took her with them.

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As of the moment of writing this report, there is no information available about the reason for the arrest and the legal basis of the accusations against Laili Kerami.

Lily Karmi is currently in detention center No. 100 of the Shiraz Intelligence Department

On September 1, 1401, Amnesty International reacted by issuing a call for immediate action against the repression and increased security pressure on Baha’i citizens and requested the international community to consider a comprehensive solution to deal with such actions by the Iranian government.

On July 30, 1401, the World Baha’i Community issued a statement and warned against increasing security pressures and a widespread wave of arrests, suppressing the deprivation of Iranian Baha’is from their citizenship rights in Iran.

Suppression of freedom of speech and opinion violates Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights approved on December 16, 1966, which emphasizes the right of individuals to freely disseminate political and ideological ideas and opinions.

According to the circular of the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution approved on March 6, 1369, Baha’i citizens are deprived of any citizenship rights and are faced with all kinds of human rights violations and coercive acts by the government of the Islamic Republic.

The suppression of Baha’is in Iran violates Articles 2, 18 and 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Article 18 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which emphasizes the right of individuals to perform religious rituals, propaganda, and religious education, both collectively and privately. The

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The impossibility of access to a lawyer and the denial of access to other requirements in a judicial process violates Article 9 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Article 9 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights approved on December 16, 1966.

Also, people’s right to a fair trial by an impartial judge, interrogator, and investigator is one of the rights emphasized in Article 10 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

In Article 5 of the Criminal Procedure Law, it is emphasized on informing the accused as soon as possible about the alleged charges and providing the right of access to a lawyer and other defense rights mentioned in the law.

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