Friday , 21 February 2025
بازداشت نسیم کاشانی نژاد، شهروند بهایی برای تحمل حبس تعزیری
بازداشت نسیم کاشانی نژاد، شهروند بهایی برای تحمل حبس تعزیری

The detention of Nasim Kashaninejad, a Baha’i citizen, to endure imprisonment

The detention of Nasim Kashaninejad, a Baha’i citizen, to endure imprisonment

Ariyai Community News Agency – Today, Friday 11th of Azar, 1401, Nasim Kashaninejad, a Baha’i citizen, was arrested and transferred to Adel Abad prison to endure her imprisonment.

According to Jamia Ariyai news agency, on Monday, November 30, 1401, Nasim Kashaninejad, a Baha’i citizen living in the city of Shiraz, the center of Fars province, was arrested and transferred to Adel Abad prison to serve his 6-month prison sentence without prior notice.

According to a source close to Nasim Kashaninejad’s family, he said in this regard: “Given that no notification, either in writing or by telephone, regarding the execution of the prison sentence for Nasim Kashaninejad, was sent to the execution unit. After issuing an arrest warrant and then police officers went to his house and after arresting this Baha’i citizen, he was transferred to Adel Abad prison.

It should be noted that on the 3rd of Shahrivar, 1401, the 37th branch of the Court of Appeals of Fars province issued a writ for Nasim Kashaninejad to suffer 6 months of imprisonment for the charge of (assembly and collusion with the intention of committing a crime against internal and external security). He was banned from leaving the country for two years and had his passport revoked.

This Baha’i citizen living in Shiraz appeared in the first hearing on June 26, 2019, but due to the defects in the file and the lack of completion of the investigation by the Shiraz Intelligence Department and the alleged documents, the case was returned to the investigation branch of the Shiraz Prosecutor’s Office and after Defects On October 14, 1399, the second session and May 28, 1401, the same as the third session of the court hearing the charges of Nasim Kashaninejad, was held by Branch 1 of Shiraz Revolutionary Court, headed by Judge Mahmoud Sadati, and on June 8, 1401, this Baha’i citizen He was sentenced to endure 2 years of penal servitude and to be banned from leaving the country, to cancel his passport for 2 years and to report daily to the provincial intelligence department for 2 years.

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Nasim Kashaninejad was arrested in October 2015 along with more than 25 other Baha’i citizens in the city of Shiraz and after being transferred to the detention center of one of the security agencies in this city and during the interrogation and explanation of charges in November 2015 with bail had been released

According to the circular of the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution approved on March 6, 1369, Baha’i citizens are deprived of any citizenship rights and are faced with all kinds of human rights violations and coercive acts by the government of the Islamic Republic.

On the 1st of Shahrivar, 1401, Amnesty International called for an end to the repression of the Baha’is of Iran by publishing a request for immediate action while tightening the repression and applying security and social pressures on the Baha’i community of Iran due to the religious beliefs of these citizens.

Also, on July 30, 1401, the World Baha’i Community issued a statement warning against the increase in security pressures and the widespread wave of arrests, suppression of the deprivation of Iranian Baha’is from their citizenship rights in Iran.

Suppression of religious minorities violates Articles 2, 18, and 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Article 18 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which emphasizes the right of individuals to perform religious rituals, propaganda, and religious education, both collectively and privately.

Arresting people without explaining the charges and not having access to a lawyer for the accused are among the cases that violate international human rights documents, Article 9 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Article 9 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights approved on December 16, 1966.

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Also, people’s right to a fair trial is one of the inalienable rights emphasized in Article 10 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

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