Friday , 21 February 2025
سرکوب سیستماتیک
سرکوب سیستماتیک

UN experts express their concern about the intensification of the systematic repression of religious minorities in Iran

Systematic suppression of religious minorities

According to Jamia Aryaei News Agency, a group of UN experts, including Javed Rahman, Special Rapporteur on Human Rights on Iran, Fernand de Vernes, Special Rapporteur on Minority Affairs, and Nazila Ghane, Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion and Belief, issued a statement. , expressed great concern about the systematic repression of religious and religious minorities in Iran, including Bahais and Christian converts, and asked the government of the Islamic Republic to stop the repression and persecution of religious and religious minorities.

In this statement, the Iranian authorities are asked to take effective steps to ensure the right to freedom of religion or belief and freedom of opinion and expression without discrimination.

This statement was published on August 22, the same day as August 31, the day that the United Nations has declared as the day of remembrance for the victims of religious violence.

In this statement, UN experts have written about the attack of the security agents on De Roshankoh, the destruction of Baha’i villagers’ houses, and the arrests of Baha’i citizens in recent months.

In this statement, UN experts have written about the attack of the security agents on De Roshankoh, the destruction of Baha’i villagers’ houses, and the arrests of Baha’i citizens in recent months.

UN experts said that the Iranian government’s actions are part of a broader policy to target any religious or intellectual sect, including Christian converts, Gonabadi dervishes and atheists.

In recent months, the repression of religious and religious minorities has increased. Last week, on August 26, the Court of Appeal confirmed the sentence of a total of 22 years in prison for Juroff Shahbazian, Maleeha Nazari, and Mina Khajovi Qomi.

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Mr. Shahbazian and Anushavan Avdian are two Armenian citizens who have been sentenced to ten years in prison each for religious armed activity. Iran’s government has always claimed that Armenians, like other recognized minorities, have the freedom to perform religious ceremonies.

The arrest of Sara Ahmadi and Homayoun Javah, who is suffering from severe Parkinson’s disease, after appearing in the execution branch of the “Holy Martyr” Prosecutor’s Office in Tehran, was another news of the past two weeks that intensified the concern about the situation of Christian converts.

These experts also called for the “immediate and unconditional release of those who have been arrested because of their religious affiliations.”

They also wrote: “The international community cannot stand idly by while Iranian authorities use general and vague accusations of national security and espionage to silence religious minorities.”

The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, in a report in July, announced the continued suppression and violation of the rights of religious and religious minorities in Iran, including Christians.

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