Thursday , 20 February 2025
بازگشت عطاالله ظفر به زندان
بازگشت عطاالله ظفر به زندان

Ataullah Zafar’s return to prison without completing the treatment process

Ataullah Zafar’s return to prison without completing the treatment process

Ariyai Community News Agency – On Thursday, September 17, 1401, Atale Zafar, a Baha’i citizen and a prisoner of conscience, was returned to Evin prison after undergoing half-finished treatment. Currently, this Baha’i citizen is serving a 1-year penal servitude.

According to Jamia Ariyai news agency, on Wednesday, 16th of Shahrivar month 1401, Atallah Zafar, a prisoner of conscience and a Baha’i citizen, who was hospitalized in the CCU department of Taleghani Hospital in Tehran due to his worsening condition due to cardiovascular problems, was returned to Evin Prison without completing the treatment procedures. .

According to this report, Atale Zafar was handcuffed and tied to the hospital bed during his hospitalization in the CCU department of Taleghani Hospital in Tehran, and this caused a disruption in the treatment process of this Baha’i citizen.

It should be mentioned that, on the 13th of Shahrivar, 1401, due to the deterioration of his condition due to cardiovascular problems, Atollah Zafar was urgently sent to Taleghani Hospital in Tehran and admitted to the CCU department of this hospital.

This Baha’i citizen was arrested on September 7, 1401 after going to the execution unit of Evin Prison to hand over letters and medical documents to refer the case to the Forensic Medicine Commission, and was transferred to Ward 4 of Evin Prison to serve his sentence.

Prisoner of conscience Ataullah Zafar
Prisoner of conscience Ataullah Zafar

On October 5, 2018, Atollah Zafar was arrested by security agents and transferred to solitary confinement in Ward 209 of the Ministry of Intelligence in Evin Prison for interrogation. Evin prison had been released.

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Atallah Zafar, after the completion of the investigation and explanation of the charge, was tried and sentenced to 1 year of imprisonment by the Revolutionary Court of Tehran, on the charge of (action against national security through administration and effective activity in Baha’i organizations).

By announcing the objection and referring the case to Branch 36 of the Court of Appeals of Tehran province, headed by Ahmad Zargar and Counselor Abbas Ali Houzan, on July 15, 1400, the verdict issued against Atallah Zafar was confirmed, and the case of this Baha’i citizen was sent to the execution unit of Evin prison. It was referred

According to the circular of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution approved on March 6, 1369, Baha’i citizens are deprived of any citizenship rights and face all kinds of human rights violations and coercive acts by the government of the Islamic Republic.

On the 1st of Shahrivar, 1401, Amnesty International called for an end to the repression of the Baha’is of Iran by publishing a request for immediate action while tightening the repression and applying security and social pressures on the Baha’i community of Iran due to the religious beliefs of these citizens.

Also, on July 30, 1401, the World Baha’i Community issued a statement warning against the increase in security pressures and the widespread wave of arrests, suppression of the deprivation of Iranian Baha’is from their citizenship rights in Iran.

Suppression of religious minorities violates Articles 2, 18, and 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Article 18 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which emphasizes the right of individuals to perform religious rituals, propaganda, and religious education, both collectively and privately.

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Arresting people without explaining the charges and not having access to a lawyer for the accused are among the cases that violate international human rights documents, Article 9 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Article 9 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights approved on December 16, 1966.

Also, people’s right to a fair trial is one of the inalienable rights emphasized in Article 10 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

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