Friday , 21 February 2025
امین ذوالفقاری زندانی عقیدتی
امین ذوالفقاری زندانی عقیدتی

Conditional release of Amin Zulfiqari, a Baha’i citizen

Ariyai Community News Agency – Today, Sunday, September 6, 1401, Amin Zulfiqari, a Baha’i citizen imprisoned in Yazd prison, was released on condition.

According to the report of the Aryan community, quoted by Human Rights in Iran, on Saturday 5th of Shahrivar 1401, Amin Zulfiqari, a Baha’i citizen and a prisoner of conscience imprisoned in the central prison of Yazd province, was released on condition after serving part of his prison term. He was suffering from 8 months of imprisonment

According to this report, Amin Zulfiqari was released conditionally after serving 1/3 of his 8-month prison sentence.

It should be noted that on August 14, 1401, the request for the release of Amin Zulfiqari was rejected by the 11th branch of the Yazd Revolutionary Court with the installation of an electronic bond and under judicial supervision.

Amin Zulfiqari, on June 3, 1401, after receiving the notification of the execution of the sentence to serve his 8-month prison sentence, went to the criminal sentence execution unit of the General and Revolutionary Prosecutor’s Office of Yazd city and after being arrested, he was transferred to the prison of this city.

On June 1, 2019, this Baha’i citizen was arrested by the agents of the Yazd Intelligence Department, and after being transferred to the detention center of this security organization and during the interrogation and explanation of charges, he was released on bail from Yazd Central Prison on July 3 of the same year.

With the beginning of the proceedings, Amin Zulfaqari, along with Mahbobe Mushagian, Mitra Bandi Amirabadi and Hiva Yazdan Mehdiabadi, were tried by Branch 2 of the Yazd Revolutionary Court headed by Reza Javadmousavi and sentenced to 8 months in prison for the charge (propaganda against the regime) and They were each sentenced to 2 years and 8 months in prison for the charge of (acting against national security through membership in opposition parties).

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With the declaration of protest, the case of Amin Zulfiqari and his 2 colleagues were examined by Branch 11 of the Court of Appeals of Yazd Province, and each was sentenced to 8 months in prison and acquitted of the charge (action against national security through membership in opposition parties).

According to the circular of the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution approved on March 6, 1369, Baha’i citizens are deprived of any citizenship rights and are faced with all kinds of human rights violations and coercive acts by the government of the Islamic Republic.

On the 1st of Shahrivar, 1401, Amnesty International called for an end to the repression of the Baha’is of Iran by publishing a request for immediate action while tightening the repression and applying security and social pressures on the Baha’i community of Iran due to the religious beliefs of these citizens.

Amin Zulfiqari is a prisoner of conscience
Amin Zulfiqari is a prisoner of conscience

Also, on July 30, 1401, the World Baha’i Community issued a statement warning against the increase in security pressures and the widespread wave of arrests, suppression of the deprivation of Iranian Baha’is from their citizenship rights in Iran.

Widespread violation of the articles of the Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

The suppression of Baha’is in Iran violates Articles 2, 18 and 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Article 18 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which emphasizes the right of individuals to perform religious rituals, propaganda, and religious education, both collectively and privately.

Arresting people without explaining the charges and not having access to a lawyer for the accused are among the cases that violate international human rights documents, Article 9 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Article 9 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights approved on December 16, 1966.

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Also, people’s right to a fair trial is one of the inalienable rights emphasized in Article 10 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Confession coupled with intimidation and threats violates Article 5 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Article 7 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and is a clear example of torture.

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